Individual Training

Physical Fitness with Speed, Fast Feet, Fast Moves, Technical Skills, Tactical Skills, IQ, intelligence

In today’s soccer players are given less space and time on which to perform. We must institute the means to develop player’s speed of running and at the same time improve their ability for quick control with the ball. These qualities will build the speed of the game.

They are multiple ways training individually. Players must ask:

1. What type of training I’m looking for?

2. What do I want to work on?

Players need to know what topic they are working on

Basic Training
First Touch, Ball Skills, Footwork, Ball control, running with the ball, passing, moving.

Advance Training
The topic will be based on what the players want to work on. We have a wide ranch of topic players can choose from:

Heading, Chest, Trap, Volley, Inside Curve, Outside Swerve, shooting with the Shoelaces, ball feeling, ball control, footwork, ball skills, decision making, move to beat & get past your opponent, scissor move, passing moving, free kicks, set play, etc…

Goalkeeping: Dive & catch, quick reaction, positioning, ball feeling, Punting, goal kicks